
裝修集 人氣:3.25W

主要材料:硅酸鈣板 水泥板 木飾面板 玻璃。榮獲獎項:《黑森Heisen》作品榮獲第22屆APIDA亞太室內設計大獎賽辦公組銅獎、第十二屆(2014)現代裝飾國際傳媒獎一年一度的“年度辦公空間大獎”。設計說明:本案是一個設計公司的辦公空間,由於造價因素,設計上用直接的語言,未加塗料覆蓋的硅酸鈣板原面,稍作打磨的原有廠房水泥地面,裸露的建築原結構樑,最直接的吊燈排布,還有幾條簡單的豎向燈帶,在幾個大的造型體塊下區分出各自相應的功能,形成了這個造價超低卻又別具一格的辦公場所,可謂務實與美妙的完美合體… This case is a design company office space, due to cost factors, design with direct language, without coating cover the calcium silicate board of the original, the original workshop cement floor, slightly polishing bare building the original structure of the beam, the most direct droplight configuration, there are a few simple vertical light band, under the modelling of a few big block distinguish respective functions, formed the ultra low cost is having a unique style of office space, a pragmatic and wonderful and perfect fit…

· 客廳

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